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Billionaires aren't always smarter than those who earn less.
周三 2月 15, 2023 4:41 pm
Not many people believe that The richest billionaires are the top of the country or the world. There slot xo must be an incomparable level of intelligence above those with lower incomes. Some even cling to the idea of showing the wisdom of the rich. Become a role model to determine the way of life ever.
but nonetheless A team of sociologists from Sweden and the Netherlands questioned this belief. He also seriously studied the relationship between intelligence and success in life.
The study, published in the journal European Sociological Review, analyzed data of nearly 60,000 young Swedish men, who were followed over time for their career and income developments. 11 years until they are about 35-40 years old, so they stop tracking data.
When the above information is compared with the results of intelligence and personality tests. which the sample group had done 11 years ago, the results showed that people who had a career in the front line and had the highest income were the results of intelligence and personality in youth were not different from the group. with lower incomes
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