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Deputy Leader of Argentina Revealed after surviving a shooting live because of God Empty Deputy Leader of Argentina Revealed after surviving a shooting live because of God

周五 9月 23, 2022 4:36 pm
Deputy Leader of Argentina Revealed after surviving a shooting live because of God รวมเว็บสล็อตทุนน้อย sure enough. Once a player has entered the online slots game, check to see that this slot game allows you to bet with the lowest credits. or how much before
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On September 16, the BBC reported that Mrs. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Vice President of Argentina. Public speaking for the first time After narrowly avoiding an assassination on the evening of September 1, he said that he lived because of God and the Virgin Mary. and that Pope Francis called him in the temple to comfort him.

“I really feel that I am alive because of God and the Virgin Mary. If I had to thank God and the Virgin Mary I have to do it among the priests,” Fernandez said at a meeting with priests and nuns on Thursday Sept. 15 local time. and express gratitude to Pope Francis who is also an Argentine who called her just hours after the incident

“Pope Francis called me early the next morning. We were talking on the phone and he spoke to me like this. Acts of hate and violence are often preceded by words and verbs of hatred and violence,” the Argentine Vice President said.

The moment the gunman was in the face of Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. which narrowly escaped being assassinated Behind a gun with 5 bullets can't fire AFP

The incident came as Fernandez met with a group of supporters outside her home after returning from a corruption trial, when the attacker suddenly pointed a gun to her head. But the bullets wouldn't fire. With five guns, Argentine President Alberto Fernandez said the attempt to kill Girchner was the worst since Argentina's return to democracy in 1981.

for the progress of the case Police arrested a gunman, Fernando Sabac Montinel, 35, at the scene of the accident. And days later, her girlfriend, 23-year-old Brenda Ulierte was arrested, both charged with attempted murder. But two of them refused. Investigators are now trying to determine the motive for the attack on Ms Fernandez.

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